Saturday, November 14, 2009

I need a school break!!!

Ug, I wish Marquette's history grad program wasn't so time consuming. I hate it so much. I wish I could be like normal people in the world and have weekends off. There are so many things I want to do on the weekends for fun, but there is just so much work for school, I don't see how it is possible!
Here is list of things I WANT to do on the weekends:
**make holiday cookies/treats
**have people over for games and appetizers
**make homemade cards and write to people
**make curtains for all the rooms in our house (I have the fabric ready to go!)
**make oriental pictures for our dining room
**go home to Michigan to see my family/friends
**finish the various throw pillows
**finish knitting my afghan
**go shopping for fun

Here is the list of things that I HAVE to do on the weekends from now until Dec. 18:
**do all the research (approx. 20 books/articles) for my Islam paper
**write my Islam paper
**make my presentation for the Islam paper
**do all the research for my medieval paper
**write my medieval paper
**make a presentation for my arts/crafts class
**grade student quizzes (86 of them)
**grade student tests (also 86 of them)
**finish putting in grades for my class
**lesson plan and read the book I am teaching about before my students have to
**make a presentation for my medieval class

These are the things I am doing on the weekends, but it does not include the everyday work. For example, this past week (not the weekend) I had to read 4 books for Islam, 7 books/articles for medieval, 2 books for arts/crafts, write a paper for arts/crafts, office hours and lectures and email students and lesson plan and grade, and go to my grad classes and participate actively.
Blegh. I am so sick of school, and this school expects too much from us students. I don't think it is right for a grad program to demand every moment of our lives. I already sacrifice valuable study time on most nights so that I can eat dinner and hang out with my husband and dog. I wish so much that I could have a weekend where I actually say something like "I'm bored". That would be so wonderful. I don't know when that will ever happen. At least not for another four years...blegh. :(
So anyone who reads this, please pray for me. Pray that God either makes an extra day during the weekends or that He makes a clone of me that can do part of this workload. Okay, those aren't realistic. How about pray that God will give me peace and persistance in my work even though I am so sick of it...

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying, God will give you the time and energy for doing all this stuff... LOVE YOU!
