Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It is now thanksgiving break for me. I have been dreading this break for a long time b/c I have ambitious plans for my grad work. Also, I am not going home for thanksgiving this year and it's kinda depressing.
It's weird, too. Last year when Paul and I went home for thanksgiving, it took about 9 hours to do a normally 5 hour trip. We were grumpy and exhausted and got to Michigan late wednesday night. Then we woke up thursday/thanksgiving day tired and had to force ourselves to be social and happy-go-lucky for our families. Last Thanksgiving we went from one family home to another and it was a non-stop exhausting day. I told Paul last thanksgiving that I never wanted to go home for that holiday again. Besides, I hate thanksgiving traditional food and traditions always make me grumpy when they have no true personal value (ex: WHY must we eat boring pumpkin pie and bland turkey? It's not b/c our family has fond memories of either of these, it's b/c that's what everyone in America eats for the holiday. Blegh. I hate traditions like these). Anywho, so I was originally glad we weren't going home for this thanksgiving.
However, I guess it's a combination of the fact that we aren't seeing family for this holiday OR Christmas this year (Paul and I are fishing in Florida instead) that makes me kinda sad. Now that Jon is married, I have a nephew, Jim is dating, Michael is dating, and Christy is preggo, I feel like it's more important than ever before to connect with family. I don't want to be that aunt/sister that no one evers gets to know. Five hours is not that far...However, the problem is that Paul and I never have breaks that match up to go home for a weekend and grad school is slowly killing me (or at least robbing me of a life)... I hope that our families can someday take time to come visit us for weekends. That would be nice.
So I kinda wandered off topic. I guess I am writing because thanksgiving is different this year and it's weird. I know my blogs have been mainly negative, so I will end this blog with a thanksgiving tradition that I actually think is important:
*Things I am Thankful For this Year*
**I am thankful that I finished grading the quizzes and did my medieval presentation
**I am thankful that I will have time this weekend to do ALOT of work, so that maybe I can relax a bit in December
**I am thankful that God allowed me to get into a Phd program, even though it's hard and I don't like it. It will make it easier to get a job someday, so Thanks God!
**I am thankful that I am making/eating delicious food for thanksgiving instead of food that makes me want to pull my hair and scream (Marinated/grilled steak, cheesy veggies, savory stuffed mushrooms, crockpot chunky applesauce, pumpkin spice cake w/ choc)
**I am thankful for my house, which I love so much. Everytime I come home, I think about how God has blessed us with an affordable and awesome-sized home.
**I am thankful for my precious dog Athena. She completes our family. Paul and I love her so much and it is such a blessing to snuggle and play with our sweet pup.
**I am SO thankful to God for adding on to my family! I want to get to know Amanda more and I want to spend more time with my awesome nephew Quentin! And Thanks God for giving Paul and I another nephew this spring!
**I am thankful for our wonderful families, and our old and new friends. You all complete our lives.
**Finally, of course, I am super super super thankful to God for blessing me with my Paul. I could not survive grad school (or life for that matter) without Paul encouraging me and helping me. Everyday, Paul picks me up from school and I am sad and angry, but when I see him pull up with the car, a smile forms on my face and happiness fills me to the core. I love you, Paul. :)

1 comment:

  1. Amen, to all that you wrote, we miss you, wish we could just come over for a weekend, what is a weekend? everything goes so fast...
    At least we can see you around the first of the year...
    enjoy your week, and always, remember to make your own traditions, food, fellowship and decorations. That is what make things so special.
    love you
