Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My week schedule

As promised, I thought someone out there might be interested in knowing what a phd graduate and teaching assistant's day to day schedule looks like. I enjoy this kind of lifestyle very much, however, some weeks are way way stressful due to my own papers being due at the same time that my students have exams that need grading. Those weeks are bad and exhausting. However, for the most part, as long as I manage my own time appropriately (which is a talent of mine that many others do not possess), my weeks go by quite smoothly. Here is my week:

*wake up when I feel refreshed, but early enough to work (usually 9am-ish)
*9am-noon: either work on homework, lesson planning, or learning german
*noon-ish: get on bus for an hour long ride
*1-2pm: My students have lecture and I listen in and stay late to answer students' questions
*2-3:30pm: Office hours at the Campus coffee shop (if no students: doing more work)
*4pm: Paul and I go to the gym on campus and then we go home and hang out
*wake up around 9am-ish
*9-noon: lesson planning/homework/german
*noon: bus ride!
*2-4pm: My grad class on historiography
*4pm: Paul and I go to the gym on campus and then home
*wake up around 6am (boo!)
*Paul drives me to school around 7am-ish
*9am-1pm: teach various discussion sections
*1-2pm: My students' lecture
*2-4pm: grading/homework/german
*4pm: Paul picks me up and we probably just go right home
*wake up whenever I want (yay!)
*?-1pm: homework/german
*4-6pm: My grad class on Islam
*6pm: Paul brings me home
*wake up around 9am
*9-noon: homework/german
*noon: bus ride!
*1-2pm: My students' lecture
*2-3:30pm: My office hours at the coffee shop
*4pm: Paul and I go to the gym and then home

Well, that is basically it. I also have an intensive medieval reading class. We only meet once every three weeks. However, I have TONS of reading homework and research to do for that class on my own. Hence the many hours I give myself to do homework. As long as I work hard during the mornings and whenever else I can during the day, I should be able to mainly avoid homework at night or on the weekends. Paul and I really try to keep nights and weekends open for hanging out with friends and each other. Hope you enjoyed reading about my daily life!

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