Monday, August 31, 2009

The Orientations that wasted my days

Last week was orientation week for Paul and I at our respective schools. Paul's orientation days were fine. He got to do some lovely (and admittedly corny) group games to get to know each other. He also learned more about his school and what he will be teaching, etc. He is eager to start teaching at this school, and I think it will be MUCH nicer for him.

My orientation days were not so helpful. Wednesday thru Friday I had long days where I listened to not-very-helpful information and never had a chance to actually get to know the other history grad students. Every time I started talking to someone, the next lecture started up and we had to stop conversating and just listen up. There was also a Bad Day in there in which we had to prepare a 10 minute teaching thing to practice being TAs. There were no instructions given the day before, just that we had to prepare something. I prepared a 10 minute discussion skit, in which the students come already prepared, and I just ask questions. However, somehow, everyone else prepared a lecture skit, in which they just taught the rest of us something. I was very upset/nervous because my skit was apparantly wrong(?). Also, this whole thing was video-taped and then later we watched the videos and "critiqued" each other. Have I mentioned yet that I am uncomfortable about being video-taped AND I DO NOT EVER watch a tape with me on it? I have rather unpleasant memories about doing this as a child and I have avoided this kind of situation since that time. So the whole circumstance was very unpleasant for me. Somehow I survived. However, I was rather grumpy by the end of friday's session.

On the weekend, for Saturday, Paul and I slept in late (Paul slept until 2:30pm!). It was wonderful to get our rest before our busy week of teaching. The first week back is always so stressful and new and exhausting. We did some chores like getting some simple groceries (we were not in the mood to get alot, just the basics to survive another week) and cleaning up the house together, and Paul painted the dining room. It is a lovely pale yellow that makes the room look cheerful and relaxing. We hung out with Rick as well by playing old video games like nintendo 64 mario tennis. :)

On Sunday, Paul and I practiced the bus route from our house to Marquette University together. I have to start taking the bus in the mornings, but I was nervous about trying it out alone. So Paul was very sweet to accompany me on a trial run. Paul's folks came from michigan for some conference and met us at Marquette. I showed them around my new campus and we left for our house. They haven't seen our house since move-in day, so it was nice to show them our settled-in home. We played games and ate at the Cheesecake factory and had a lovely time.
Now it is monday and school begins. Paul left for his school at 7:30am this morning. He doesn't have students until tomorrow, but he will be working with his fellow teachers all day getting things organized. I am pacing our home waiting until it is time to leave for school myself. I am only on campus on mondays from 1-2pm, so I leave for the bus in about 30 minutes. Better early then late! :) The first day is always annoying for me. I just want to meet my students and get to teaching and learning! But I must wait out the intros and basic beginnings of the semester. Well, this post is quite long. Next time, I will write out my basic schedule so you get a feel for what my days are like.

1 comment:

  1. I have always hated orientations! I don't understand the point of them most of the time. Glad you made it through the week :) (and that you got to sleep in on Saturday!)
