Monday, September 14, 2009

My ponderings

This past week, I have thought about alot of issues that bother me. I have no answers:

**Why is my history graduate studies less about learning history and more about learning about SCHOLARS of history?**
Example: In my Islam history grad class, we read a large amount of material in order to compare/contrast the various arguments by different scholars about the impact of the West on Islam. However, I don't know ANYTHING about the history of Islam, so how can I have an opinion about one scholar over the other? Why can't we just have a super fast-track history lecture style class so that I can know everything about the topic? Alas, all of my grad classes so far are about historiography and not makes me sad.

**Is it okay for a Christian to be tolerant, accepting, and understanding of another religion?**
I just wonder what other people think about this. I have asked two of my closest friends. One said a Christian should NOT be tolerant/accepting. The other said a Christian SHOULD be tolerant/accepting. I have been listening to my thoughts and my heart. From what I have read on various religions and their histories, I think we should be accepting of those religions that are so close to our own. Do slight differences in theologies matter to God? Or does He simply care that we worship only HIM, lead a godly life, take care of others, etc. I suppose I won't know the answer to this until I go to heaven and see if I am right...But the question still bothers me.

**Why does society follow traditions so close that the traditions practically become RULES instead of just IDEAS?**
Example: Weddings. Why do people spend all of their money on one day that no one else will remember, and why do people get all weird about silly details of weddings like wrinkled dresses and sitting arrangments?!?! I will never understand traditions and why people just do what everyone else does...unless perhaps people lack creativity and must do what everyone else does b/c they have no original ideas?

**Why do women wear "slutty" clothes so much?**
Men do not wear anything immodest, but I have yet to meet a woman who does not wear slutty things. (my definition of slutty: low cut, skin tight, uncomfortable in order to draw mens' eyes, etc.). I know part of it is b/c all clothes available to women are slutty, but why is that the case? Why is society so unequal? Women are wearing clothes that upsets the balance of gender equality. When a woman wears a tank top or a low cut, slim-fitting dress, why does she do it? The response from men is lust. The response from other women is jealousy. Thus, there are no positive reactions from wearing immodest clothes.
Let's picture an interview for a top-notch position somewhere. This certain business sees three interviewers. #1: A man dressed up in a business suit. #2: A woman dressed in a business suit.
#3: A woman dressed in a low cut shirt and mini skirt.
Who do you think they would hire? Based on appearances alone, #3 is unprofessional. The other two, wearing similar clothing, have an equal status for the interview.
If you take this hypothetical situation for everything, don't you think women and men should dress alike in order to be treated equally in ALL situations in the world? So why do women lower themselves by dressing poorly?

And WHY am I so unusual as a woman because I want to dress modestly and be a Godly and proper example to the world?!?!

**Why am I so different? Why do I question traditions and social standards?!?! Why do I stick up for my individuality, my originality, my modesty, and my uniqueness WHEN NO ONE ELSE IN SOCIETY SEEMS TO DO THIS FOR THEMSELVES?!?
Does this make me wrong?! Does this make me weird? Will I ever meet another person who questions the norms like I do?!?


  1. I think you are right about people not being very creative when it comes to traditions. I think that people also feel like they have to "one up" others and so they go overboard on things instead of just having them the way they want.
    As far as woman wearing slutty degrading clothing, I think that they do it out of a need for attention. They feel like it is good to get attention from men in that way. It is how society views woman, which is horrible. Thankfully there are some woman out there that set a good example and try to be modest, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Don't question yourself for sticking up for what you believe or feel like it makes you weird. You are being a great role model for someone, you may not even know it. keep doing the right things. :)
