Monday, June 17, 2019

Netherlands Day 5 - Finally, Shoes that Fit and a Town of Cheese

We woke up on Day 5 to a delightful breakfast of amazing coffee, fresh fruit, and rolls with delicious cheese. Yum. Then we left to visit on of Pauls' mom's aunts: Tante Rie. She is over 90 and still really active and cool. She also had an amazing garden for Cris to drool over. There was lunch of bread and amazing cheese, and several servings of delicious coffee (or beer or wine) all day long.
Tante Rie then rested and we went to visit the town of Gouda with Jan as our tour guide.
There was a bit of tacky touristy stuff but the rest of the town was pretty cool. The town center was super old, charming, quaint, and all those other awesome words.

Of course, we bought more cheese. Also, of course, we stopped for some beer. Then we headed back to Tanta Rie to meet another cousin (Betty) and have more coffee and then dinner and more coffee. Dinner had a topping of amazing cheese.
Cris is in heaven, and Paul will have a difficult time getting her to leave.

Paul ended the day by fly fishing. Jan said that he had never caught a fish and that he had tried in the river down the road and nothing would bite. Paul got out his fly gear and caught 4 dace in about 30 minutes to Jan's chagrin.

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