Friday, June 21, 2019

Germany Day 8: Aachoo! It's Aachen time!

Sadly, it was time to leave our people and family in The Netherlands for some more Germany adventures. Time for hills and castles instead of flat land and windmills!

We started out our Germany time again by stopping in Aachen. For those who aren't medieval history nerds like me, Aachen was an important center of the Middle Ages. That was where Charlemagne decided to hang out and such.

Today's Aachen is a fascinating place. It's a college town, so there's lots of college town influence, and there is a mix of modern all the way through OLD medieval architecture blended together. We strolled around for a bit and took in the beauty of the twisted old streets and buildings.

We also stopped at an Apotheke (kinda like a pharmacy) for me (Cris). I was still sick and it was headed into my lungs/chest, which was unpleasant. I also lost my voice, something that hasn't happened since high school! The Apotheke was SO much cooler than any local American doctor visit or pharmacy visit I have ever had. We went in, the the lady at the counter asked me what was wrong, and asked me all sorts of specific questions about my symptoms. After actually listening to me and being interested in my health, she wandered around and came back with a handful of different medicines. She instructed me about what to take at what time and gave me a jar of super strength cough drops for free. It was so amazing. I have never had a conversation with a primary doctor or a pharmacist at home for longer than 5 minutes, but this lady actually cared! What a cool healthcare system.

After that, we stopped for the typical 10am coffee break (at a bakery with tasty treats, of course), and then it was time to check out Aachen's Imperial Cathedral. Charlemagne had the Imperial Cathedral constructed around 800 A.D. He was really the one responsible for bringing culture and civilization back to a very Dark Ages time in history.

We've been to a few cathedrals now, but apparently, each one is very different. This cathedral was friggin amazing! Wow. You walk in, and it's clear that Charlemagne was imitating a Roman look (he was trying to hint that his empire was as awesome as the Roman empire).

The walls and ceilings are covered with tiny colored rocks, some that sparkle, so that the whole room seems like it is covered head to toe with jewels. It was incredibly beautiful. I just kept wondering how people back then made these buildings. It must have taken so long just to find/make all those tiny rocks, and then you had to cover every possible section with beautiful art made with those tiny rocks! Crazy cool and very jaw-droppingly beautiful. Whenever my medieval professors talked about this cathedral, they always said 'just go visit to see what we mean!' and they were right. Everyone reading this: go see the Imperial Cathedral in Aachen. It's incredible.

After that, it was time for a few more hours on the road to go visit Eltz Castle. Paul and I were looking forward to this castle, because it has been preserved really well. It has blessedly avoided being destroyed in every single war, and it has stayed in the same family for 33 generations now!

The reviews all said that it was best to do a 40 minute hike in the forest to get to the castle, so that's what we did. It was a bit too humid, though, so we were pretty sweaty when we got there. Also, there was the whole 'being sick and feeling like a ton of bricks were on my chest' thing, so it was pretty slow going. Fortunately, Paul and his parents were very patient with my many breaks for coughing spasms.

The walk was nice, and the forest was pretty. Then it was time for the castle, which, of course, was amazingly beautiful. I'm having a difficult time coming up with more descriptive words for this pleasurable vacation, so bear with me. It's magnificent and incredible, and etc. The tour was really cool, and the rooms were well preserved with murals, paintings, furniture, etc. They showed us floors that originated in the castle from the 1400s, a medieval bed from the castle from the 1500s, and so much old stuff that my head was spinning. I could have spent a week staring at each room and architectural thing. Sigh....

After another 40 minute forest hike, it was time to bring Paul's parents to the Frankfurt airport hotel. They are now done with their Europe vacation, and we had a lot of fun with them. It would have been nice to spend a few more days with them, but I also don't mind hogging Paul all to myself. Tomorrow, more German adventures!!

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