Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Break

I have been enjoying my Easter break. Alot! It started out on a great note on Wednesday, when my students informed me that not only did I have thursday and friday off for Easter, but I also had Monday off! This was an unexpected blessing. There is nothing better, I think, then getting a surprise day off from work! :) I decided to celebrate the good news by taking some time off from my work to relax. It has been wonderful and greatly needed!
On Thursday, I slept in til 10:30am, partly because I have been sick and the extra sleeping helped me feel much better. I watched some TV, made cookies, cleaned a bit, and played my Sims 2 for a few hours. When Paul got home from school around 4pm, we went shopping and out to dinner. We then came home and watched an old movie with Chevy Chase called "Fletch". It was hilarious and I have nothing but praise for it!
On Friday, Paul started his spring break, so we actually had a school break at the same time! This has never happened since I started grad school (well, I suppose we share a few days off at Christmas...). I spent the morning changing the decorations in our house from winter stuff to spring stuff. It was a nice change. Then we went flyfishing together. It was our first time flyfishing, so we went on the Milwaukee river in an area away from the other fishermen so that we could learn. Flyfishing is a more talented kind of fishing, so it takes alot of practice. :) Of course, we didn't catch anything, b/c we were not near the fish (the fishermen all know the right places to actually catch the fish and we didn't want to be near them yet). But we spent a few pleasant hours wading in the river and soaking up the sun and getting to be pros at the art of flyfishing. It was SO relaxing! We are planning on going again on Monday, but this time to actually catch fish. We shall see what happens.
When we got back from fishing, we then went crazy working hard on our yard. Paul raked up debris, leaves, and dog poop while I destroyed the tiger lilies on the side of our house. We thought they were ugly flowers last spring, so I worked digging up the bulbs. It was hard work, but our yard is looking great! One or two more days of hard labor, and our yard will be perfect for the spring and summer. :)
After that, we went to a church activity for free pizza and then hung out with friends. Thus, a perfect day of me/Paul-only time, hard work on the house, and social time with friends.
Now, I am working on my homework again. It's hard to get back into it since I was enjoying my tw0 days off so much! Still, I have a few more nice hours ahead of me on my next two days off from school. Tomorrow is Easter, and a friend's family invited everyone over who doesn't have family in the area. So me, Paul, and two other friends from out of town are gathering together for an Easter dinner with someone else's family. I am touched at their kindness.
On Monday, Paul and I will fish again in the morning, and then I will work the rest of the day. Boo! Still, I must look forward to the good parts of the next few days, and rejoice that God has blessed me with a good home, great family/friends, and a wonderful husband! :) Happy Easter, Everyone!

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