Monday, March 22, 2010

School school school

I haven't written in a while and the reason is: School.
I also haven't: cleaned my house, done any chores, done my hobbies like sewing, knitting, playing piano and saxophone, playing guild wars with Paul, entertained guests at our home, read for fun, gone fishing, played with my dog, and various other things all because of: School.

The other day, Paul and I were talking and he asked me why I haven't played music in a long time. I told him that once school was done in May, I planned on doing everything that I love, including music. He (very gently and kindly) asked me if perhaps I use school as an excuse to stop living life. It was a good question.

I have also considered this question. I know that I always tell myself "I'll do such and such when school is done". Lately I have often wondered if this is true. Will I really live a more relaxing life when I am done with school? Who am I? Am I a workaholic? Am I a boring person who works during the day (and night) and sleeps a little in between? Will my strong personality and strong passions become revitalized this summer? These questions haunt me in between study-times. I am incredibly curious about what will happen when school ticks down in May. Seven more weeks of school before I find out who I am without it. It is quite nerve-wracking and I could use some prayers. The only thing I know for certain about myself is that I love God and Paul. I am ready to discover more weeks.

1 comment:

  1. be strong, believe in God and yourself, remember changing your mind or goals, does not make you weak, on the contrary it makes you strong.
    Look for the beauty around you, the birds, flowers, etc. If God meets their needs He will surely meet yours.
    Enjoy each day, even these seven weeks, God wants you to see HIm in every one of them.
    Trust and Obey.
    LOve you
