Monday, March 1, 2010

Because I always have an opinion...about everything

Two things happened yesterday or this morning that made my brain go crazy with opinions. Since I have nothing serious to write about right now, I thought I would share my silly opinionated self on random tangents in my life. :)

#1) The Winter Olympics
This morning, the radio guy explained that NBC, who rather hesitatingly decided to host the winter olympics, made tons and tons of money on the Olympics this year, and that this winter olympics were the most watched winter event EVER.
My rant: Well of course NBC made off great with the Olympics. Did anyone else notice that ALL of the networks stopped running normal shows during the entire thing?!?! No one says that it's because of the Olympics, but this week all of my fave shows are starting up again. I smell controversy!!! I think NBC secretly controls all of the other networks and forced them to stop putting on shows. That way, everyone was FORCED to watch those boring and lame olympics because there was nothing else on!!! Is this the end of capitalism as we know it?!?! Dun dun dun... :) Just to let you all know, this probably won't surprise you a bit, but since I figured the networks weren't putting on my shows to force me to watch the olympics, I refused to watch a single event!!! Yeah, take that, networks! I refuse to be pushed around! Laugh, oh boy, I can't believe I have such an opinion on this, but that's just my personality. I suppose the real concern here should be that I have so many fave shows and that I was going crazy without them... :)

#2) Fantastic Mr. Fox-the movie
Yesterday night, Paul and I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox. I was skeptical, since it was a cartoon movie with ugly animations, which I normally dislike. However, Paul told me that it got rave reviews from the critics, so we watched it. I must admit, parts of it were delightfully and surprisingly funny. Overall, as an ADULT movie, it was great. However, cartoons aren't normally made for adults, and I am unsure who the audience was supposed to be for this film. Was this supposed to be a children's movie? Because if so, I am incredibly concerned about what this movie says symbolically about the future generation of America. First, I raised a brow at the movie's casual and funny protrayal of murder. Mr. Fox kills the chickens in a humorous atmosphere. I can't remember a Disney movie or other cartoon movie that was so happy-go-lucky about murder. Second, the movie is lighthearted about stealing. Unlike Robinhood, who steals for a "right" reason (which is a debatable children's topic anyway), Mr. Fox steals b/c he wants to get rich quick and has all sorts of lame excuses for why stealing is okay. And he never learns a lesson about why stealing is wrong! Third, "animal instinct" is mentioned over and over. Are the directors trying to make a theme in the movie about the animalistic ways of humanity? Are they praising this aspect of humanity? I don't know what to think about that. Finally, I had a HUGE problem with the casual usage of swearing. The directors/writers try to make light of swearing by saying "cuss" instead of an actual swear word. Example: Mr Fox: "Why the cuss are the farmers trying to cussing kill us?!" While this is possibly humorous as an adult movie theme, I do not think this is right for a children's film. It is making light of the severity of swearing and it happens so much in the movie, that I am concerned kids will start quoting it! Swearing is a problem in our society, and I don't think a movie (the way to connect with kids these days) should make it seem funny to swear. So if you have kids, you might not want them to see this movie. Or maybe I am exaggerating. I suppose it would be a great movie to debate with your kids. Watch it as a family, enjoy the good parts, and then talk about the bad parts. Anyone who reads this, please let me know what you think.

Well, that is enough of my silly, lighthearted rants for the day. :)

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