Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pet Peeves

Issue #1
Okay, so I don't like to gossip or be catty. But I really have to complain about some things that are bothering me, and I figure: if I can't whine on my own blog than I will start whining in my journal book again. It's one or the other. And this is easier.
I hate it when people are so obsessed with their phones. I think it is very rude when you are hanging out with people and they all take their phones out and start texting other people. I don't know if anyone learns manners anymore, but I think children should learn different manners now than back when I was growing up. And I think most of the new mannerisms that these kids should learn deal with computers/technology. Here are some examples from real life in the last few weeks that I find rude and almost insulting:

(A)Boardgame night at our house. 8 people around a table. We are ALL playing a game. Suddenly, one person gets a text and takes out their phone to text back. Then five more people (no joke) take out THEIR phones to text people. Silence all around as these six out of eight people text others that aren't even here(!!) instead of having a conversation and good time with the PEOPLE IN THE ROOM WITH THEM!!! "Sorry," one says, "I just HAD to answer." The others nod. "Yeah," another says, "I just remembered something that I had to tell someone."
Well, I won't take your apologies, people. What you just did was a great insult to my hospitality. I am trying to be social by providing a clean house, food, drinks, games, and my attempts at being friendly, and you answer this hospitality by writing secret messages to other people. That is rude and needs to be fixed.

(B)Superbowl party. 8 people in a room. Watching football TOGETHER and eating, etc. Not only did six people have their phones out CONSTANTLY, but sometimes, I think they were gossip-texting each other(!!). It hurts even more when I wonder if it is about me. Example: The Who band was playing. People were giving their opinions about them as a band, etc. I say: "I wish superbowl could find younger bands to play. The Who is pretty old and I think they are past their prime for live entertainment." Suddenly, three people take out their phones and text someone. And then they all get texts back from those mystery people at the same time, etc. Hmm...makes me wonder if it is just coincidence that they all had the urge to text and also get responses back at the same time. I know I am an opinionated person, but just bitch back at me instead of getting all nasty. Even if they were NOT texting each other, even if it was just one nasty coincidence, this situation shows why using phones when around others is rude. I should not worry that people are doing that in front of me. I should not worry about being more interesting than a phone/other people not in the room. It is just so incredibly rude and not necessary.

Since boardgame night, Paul and I have made it a rule that no cell phones may be used upon entering our house unless under emergency or it's a common sense thing. However, even when we had people over with this rule, they keep their phones under their hands and watch it constantly like something super super urgent is happening and they just HAVE to know. Phones seem to have some control over people now. It is really sad.
I am out of ideas for handling this situation and could use some advice. Am I overexaggerating? Should I be more bold and tell them to stop being so rude? Should I sit meekly by while these stupid phones take over their lives? Should I stop hanging out with these rude people? Should I become Amish?

Unfortunately, I have more than one annoyance in my life right now. Grr...
I am part of a small group/Bible study. All of my life, I have hated Christian peer groups. This all start when I was a child. In sunday school, "Christian" kids were mean to me because I had glasses and was homeschooled. Even though I was nice and never did anything to deserve it, they would do some nasty mean things to me. Then I would go home in tears, and hang out with friendly public school kids all week long. In middle school, my parents stopped homeschooling and put me in a Christian private school. Naively, I thought they would be great for me, since by then the public school kids were getting rebellious and naughty. However, once again, "Christian" kids excluded me and treated me like crap because I had glasses and wore crappy clothes(?). Even though the public school kids were smoking and joining gangs, they at least gave everyone a shot. Ever since then, I have hated how Christians act in a group. How they exclude people (even fellow Christians) for stupid things like appearances or quirky personalities. I promised myself even when I was a child that I would NEVER exclude ANYONE from anything. And so far, I have kept to that promise.
However, now there seems to be a dilemma. Some of the people in my small group are getting together after meetings or on the weekends, etc., and inviting other people from small group...but not everyone. When Paul and I have social activities at our house, we always announce the outings on the small group facebook page so that EVERYONE is invited. True, usually only the same 8-10 people show up, but it is important to me that the opportunity is put out there. A few of the small group people, though, are making social activities and giving out personal invitations to certain people that they like. For some reason (the first time in my life), I am in the "in" crowd. I hate it. I get somewhere and ask why such-in-such person is not there. The response: "Oh, I don't like that person. I only invite the people from our group that I like." Then I spend the rest of the night feeling guilty. To me, I know that some of us in small group click more as friends, but I think that as long as we are a small group, there should be no exclusion. Then, maybe this summer, when group is officially over, do what you want. But maybe I am wrong and exaggerating again. Am I being too sensitive to this issue b/c I know what it's like? Is it okay to do things with just friends even if you are all part of the same small group? Am I right or am I wrong? Does it depend on the situation? I am struggling with this one. I don't know if I should go to these parties if someone is being excluded. It is that "justice-hero" part of me that my mom always told me she was proud of. Should I go to these parties if people are excluded like this? Please let me know what you think. I am stumped. I need alot of prayers...


1 comment:

  1. praying, don't know the answer, people will always think of themselves better than others, that is part of sin..
    sorry :(
