Saturday, June 11, 2022

Scotland Day 3: A munro, some haggis, many neeps and tatties.

 It gets light at 4AM in Scotland which means Paul wakes up and so do all the loudest birds. Many hours later we went to Blair Castle where we heard our first blaring bagpipes. 

The tour was self-guided so we didn't have to dodge old people all day and we could enjoy hanging out with all the guns and antlers (even a bunch of narwhal tusks that they sold as unicorn horns). 

After celebrating the murder of hundreds of deer with insanely perfect antlers and learning all about how important it was to make male babies, we went for a walk in the castle gardens. Cris left me for them, so the following entries in this blog will just be Paul-flavored. *note the poppies as big as her head*

Every hour in Scotland it rains somewhere between 5 and 65 minutes, but we timed it pretty well today and managed just a constant light moistness all day. No need for wellies yet. We decided after walking around all morning we should spend our afternoon hiking up a munro (mountains over 3000 feet).

There are 282 munros in Scotland so it's not all that impressive, but still a good workout. The further we went up the worse the wind was. Near the top it got so windy that we had to crouch and grab rocks to avoid being blown over. Also, the path turns into boulder-hopping near the peak. I always roll crit fails on agility checks so we bailed before making it to the summit, but we'll pretend that this pic is the top (don't tell anyone).

We ended the day with some haddock, chips, haggis, neeps, and tatties. It took longer to translate the meal than eat it but it was super delicious. Then we ended the day again at home with some Atholl Highlander whisky which is made special for Blair Castle. Tomorrow we go north to the sea!

*bonus pic from the "peak". Can you spot the sheep in the photo?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting! I love living your adventures through your fabulous blog. Love you guys
