Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our New Puppy: Achilles

For those that didn't know, our beautiful dog Athena passed away earlier this summer. She was very sickly with an asthma-type illness, so we knew she would not live much longer, but our hearts still mourned her passing.

When she died, I sobbed to Paul that I didn't even want to think about getting a new dog for a long LONG time. Silly me. After just a few weeks without a dog, I missed it. Since I am never having children, dogs fill a void for that annoying maternal instinct that all women (including me) seem to have. I was going crazy in our little trailer without a dog to spoil and snuggle. So I started looking for a new one.

We had already decided that our next dog would either be a Labradoodle (Labrador Retriever and Poodle mix) or a Shepadoodle (German Shepherd and Poodle mix). Why? Because both of these breeds do not shed (Athena would shed handfuls of hair every single day! We couldn't have that much hair in a trailer...). Also, both breeds are good for people with allergies. I don't think we have allergies against dogs, but we have friends that do, so it would be nice if they didn't have to sniffle and sneeze every time they visited.

Both of these breeds are super intelligent, kind, easily trained, and all those other traits to make a perfect dog. Shepadoodles only differed in that they are extremely loyal -to the point where they want to follow you from room to room. The problem was that both of these breeds are pretty expensive. They are popular right now (due to their amazing qualities), and Paul and I just could not reason with spending over 1000 bucks on a puppy. I kept looking and just prayed that if God wanted us to fill our household void with a puppy, the perfect puppy (and reasonably priced) would appear online.

Lo and behold, our puppy was available! God rocks. :) I found an adorable puppy online and she was reasonably priced! Here's why: at a breeder's home where the lady bred Labradoodles and Shepadoodles, her male Shepadoodle escaped his kennel and had a lovely time with a female Labradoodle. The result? A batch of "Double-Doodle" puppies. :) Since neither group of Doodle-searching families wanted this kind of mutt (I call her a 'fancy high bred mutt'), she was cheaper than most Doodle dogs. Huzzah for us!

We named her Achilles (shh...she doesn't need to know that it is a boy's name!), since we go for a Greek/Roman theme with our dog names. She is definitely a mix of both types of doodles. She has webbed feet and LOVES swimming like Labs/Labradoodles, but she has the coloring and extreme loyalty of a Shepadoodle. Seriously, if she is napping and you get up to go to the bathroom, she wakes up and falls back asleep next to the bathroom door. Totally cute (but I'm sure it will be occasionally annoying). So far, her hair is only a tiny bit wavy, but with 50% poodle in her, we wouldn't be surprised if she gets more curly hair as she grows older.

So far, things are mostly good with a new puppy. Although note to self: with future puppies, make sure you and Paul have NOTHING going on when you get one since they need lots of attention! She has figured out the whole potty training thing pretty well, though we still watch her closely. She knows lots of tricks already, she loves swimming and playing catch, and she loves snuggling by our feet. When you raise your voice to her, she always immediately stops what she is doing and sits down. It's pretty cool.

The only problem right now is that I am super paranoid about the puppy's health. Since our last dog was sickly, every time our puppy has anything slightly sickly happen (breathing hard from the heat, coughing up dog food from eating too fast, etc.), I freak out and Paul has to calm me down. Hopefully I get better and relax in the future. I am just not used to a healthy dog that loves running and swimming!

Life is good right now for our little family in our little trailer. Hope you all have great days too! :)


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