Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to the Grind

Cris finally decided to let me (Paul) post on "her" blog.  Whatever happened to what's her's is mine?
Well, I've been working now for a couple weeks after the shortest summer ever.  Sadly, we had to miss Young State Park due to work trainings and dinners.  Work feeds me way too well.  I swear, every time I have to go to a meeting I end up eating Mexican twice.  Not sure who orders the food, but I assume it must be the dude wearing the sombrero.
My official title is 'online math teacher'.  It's a pretty prestigious position.  Basically, I sit at home and help students when they need help and occasionally teach a class. So far it's pretty sweet.  I roll out of bed around 8 and log on and take lunch whenever I feel like it.  I do work in the same building with this one annoying girl who keeps singing and making me lunch.  My school (that's right, it's mine already) is called Connections Academy, so if you want to know more about it just google it.
I'm not sure yet if this is going to be a long-term job or just another stepping stone towards becoming a ninja.  I finished my masters in math this summer so I could teach in college.  Or else I'll just forget everything I know about math and start a fishing guide business.  Or, if Cris gets her way, an emu farm.
The downside to working here is that I'm stuck most days in my tiny little office.  However, my office is about a 2 minute walk to one of the best lakes I've ever been to.  Still trying to figure out how to set up an office on my boat.
Life has been pretty chill.  I still feel like we're on permanent vacation.  There are still tons of chores (like windsurfing or fly-fishing) to do and not enough time.  Wish I had a picture of a giant fish to put on this post, but sadly the biggest fish I've caught this summer is a bluegill.  Soon.
Cris got me SCUBA lessons for my birthday.  They start tomorrow.  Once I find out what SCUBA stands for I'll probably be pretty excited.  I assume it has something to do with crime-fighting great dane.
I do miss friends and family up north, but we have better family down here.  Looking forward to coming home over Christmas.   Over and out.


  1. well Paul, I think it stands for
    "self-contained, underwater, breathing, apparatus".
    But the first meaning that came to mind was "should call undertaker before attempting."
    Mom and Dad Van Oss

    1. Paul that was hilarious! Nice job, parents! :)
