Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spiritual Ponderings

Today we were supposed to go to our small group meeting. There, we were going to read Colossians 3:18-35, part of which states: "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly..."

I spent a good portion of my day reading the NIV Bible, Greek Bible, internet commentaries, and my wonderful book "Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementary without Hierarchy" by Ronald W. Pierce and Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, to figure out some wise things to say about this notorious Bible verse for our small group meeting.

However, at the last moment, we could not go to our small group. How sad. I actually had ALOT to say about these verses. :)

Anyway, the point of this blog, is that I found something REALLY cool about the Greek words, and if I am not going to blab away about it in small group, I just HAVE to spill out my heart in this blog instead! I am sure that I have said this before, but that "Discovering Biblical Equality" book is AMAZING! It always calms me down after reading certain Biblical verses. :)

Now that I got my promotion of amazing books out of the way, I found out something on my OWN about the verse that blows my mind! The Greek word for 'submit' that is used here is "HYPOTASESTE" (it's hard to write it out in English!). While in its' crude form, it simply means 'submit', the phrasing used in this verse slightly alters this to "submit to one's lot". It is NOT the Greek phrase for "submit to one's superior". This is important. In addition, the Greek word for 'love' is "AGAPE". There are many types of love that are described using different Greek words. For example, "EROS" is passionate/lusty love. "PHILOS" is brotherly love. "AGAPE" is selfless, humble, deep love, like Christ for his people. "AGAPE" love is the most important, serious and beautiful type of love that can be described in Greek.

Some extra background information: It has been said by certain scholars (sorry, another nudge of praise for "Discovering Biblical Equality"!) that Paul's main message in this verse of Colossians and its' almost-twin verse found in Ephesians is that Christians must follow the laws/cultural values of their times AND follow God. (Basically, Paul is trying to make Christianity not look like such a rebellion and more like a welcoming new religion, etc.) Anyway, this makes sense if one looks at the "submit to one's lot" Greek word for wives. It makes this part of the verse mean more "Since it is part of our culture right now, wives, submit to your husbands because that's what you did before being a Christian". THEN you look at the next part of the verse which means "Husbands, AGAPE-love your other words, love them in the most selfless, submitting, beautiful, humble way..."

So again, the way to actually see this verse is: "Wives, as is culturally fitting at this time, submit to one's lot aka your husbands. Husbands, selflessly and humbly and completely love your wives..."

WOW. I see this verse in two different ways, and both of them take my breath away. The first way I look at this verse: Both Greek words actually mean the same thing. Wives are submitting to their husbands, not as an authority figure but actually because that's the cultural way, and husbands are submitting to their wives by trying to love them in an near-impossible (for humans) way: a selfless, humble, submissive love. The second way I looked at this verse: Men have a more enduring task! Wives only had to be submissive because it was the way of their culture. But the word "AGAPE" does NOT have temporary connotations like "HYPOTASESTE" does. Instead, "AGAPE" is an enduring, eternal love. So husbands, no matter what culture/generation, always must strive to enduringly and selflessly love their wives.

Such a beautiful discovery about this verse. Other people on their own blogs mainly argue that it about how wives must let their husbands be in charge. But I like my version much better. It either means that both wives and husbands both submit to each other OR that husbands have a great responsibility. :) If I had to choose, I like the idea that both submit to each other. In our culture today, it seems like equality and mutual love/respect/submission would produce a happy, healthy marriage.

I love researching things like this and learning from it. What do YOU think of this verse? Do you agree with my findings? Do you have a different opinion on it? I would love to hear in my comment section from anyone who takes time out of their day to read what is on my mind! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are very correct... that is what I have been trying to say all along! Your dad and I have been talking about this very subject. Sometimes he tries to use the verse incorrectly, but then I challenge him with the truth... Amen my dear daughter preach it! preach it!
