Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On my Way

Life has been pretty great lately. I am only teaching one class right now, so I have lots of time off. I thought that would mean that I would have TONS of things done, however, time really flies! Even if you aren't doing much! I have been busy making appointments with doctors, dentists, etc. since it's been WAY too long since I had any of those checkups. I have also been researching herbs like crazy, because I am starting to get into growing herbs for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It should be fun! I sometimes feel like a hippy though :)

The 30 day Shred exercise program is coming along. We just finished day 10(!). 1/3 of the way done. I still hate it and almost threw up again yesterday. Blegh. I can do it though! Just this stupid 30 day program and then I won't feel guilty about being fit for a whole year. I am not just going to stop trying, but I will only do pleasant things afterwards, like walks and eating healthy, etc.

Since I am having so much fun learning about herbs (I start growing them soon!), I thought I would share info on each herb that I am planning on growing, to spread knowledge of the power of herbs! I shall do one herb at a time:

Feverfew (Tanecetum parthenium)
*Parts used: Leaves and Flowers
*Benefits: helps prevent migraines, helps stop headaches, migraines, stress, etc.
*Harvesting: Harvest the fresh leaves at any time. To prevent migraines, eat one leaf per day. Will see amazing results after 2-3 months. You can also make a Tea for migraines: Pour 1 quart of boiling water over 1 ounce of feverfew leaves/flowers as well as 1 ounce of lavender. Let it steep for 20 minutes covered tightly. Strain and drink 1/4 cup of the tea every 30 minutes until headache is gone.

I am looking forward to growing feverfew, since I am hoping for a healthy remedy against my constant headaches/migraines. I am worried about the bad after-effects of taking so many pills for my headaches. I need stronger and stronger doses all the time. It can't be good for my body. Thus, I started looking for healthy, natural ways to stop my headaches. Many herbalists say that eating just one feverfew leaf a day can actually stop migraines from happening! Science researchers have been becoming more and more interested in the feverfew plant for this very reason. I hope it works! If it doesn't, at least I will have a really pretty plant to look at! :)

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