Monday, December 20, 2010

Busy living a fulfilling life :)

I thought I would post more entries now that my life isn't so crazy busy and stressful. However, now the opposite thing has happened but with the same results: now my life is full of blessings and fun, so that I never think "I should post an entry" because I am off doing other fun things. :)

Things have been great. I have been teaching at two Universities and I am so blessed to be a college teacher. My Carroll students were taking their final exam, with their heads bent over their work, and I just smiled and thought: "Even if they don't like the course, they all LEARNED something in it! From me!" I have found that there is nothing more satisfying than spreading knowledge.

I had a terrific Thanksgiving break, in which I did Christmas baking, had an amazing steak dinner with my beloved Paul, decorated for Christmas, played board games with my beloved and read books for fun. That's right! I am reading books for fun again! I didn't think I would be able to read for fun again for a few more years (for those that don't remember: graduate school had me reading hundreds of books each semester, and something happened that I never thought was possible: I got sick of reading!), so I am very pleased to be able to enjoy reading again. Paul and I went to the library this past weekend and got plenty of books to read over Christmas break. I am excited to start!

We are very eager to go on Christmas break. I am officially done after today, but now I have loads and loads of laundry to do (the laundry needed to be done since Thanksgiving break, but I kept putting it off!) and packing and cleaning so that we can leave. Depending on the weather, we are either leaving for lovely Michigan/Home on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. I am hoping we leave on Tuesday night, since I prefer night driving (less traffic in Chicago) and we have a Christmas party on Wed. night, and I don't want to rush around a lot. We are in Michigan until Christmas. Then, on the 26th, we are leaving for South Carolina with my parents.

This trip is half-pleasure and half-scoping the area. We are hoping that (1) My parents find jobs down there and want to move (2) We find that we like the area as well so that we can get more serious about researching homes/jobs so that we can move down there too.

We hate Milwaukee. This city is not meant for us to live permanently. We are so eager to get out of this crappy city, that we are contemplating giving the govn't back the 8,000 bucks we got from them as first home buyers (in order to keep the money, you need to live in your home for 3 years at least) and just move to South Carolina sooner rather than later. The next two years should be interesting for us. My dream would be to see my whole family and my friends live in South Carolina near me. I am tired of being away from them all, and it is probably never possible to move back to Michigan because no one there is hiring.

Well, time to put in yet another load of laundry! This is day two of laundry (both days I started right away in the morning and stopped at bedtime), and I think I will still be doing laundry tomorrow as well! Maybe someday I will stop being so lazy about getting this stuff done. :)

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