Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Fall Schedule

For the first time ever, I have an actual, official job! Woo hoo! See you later, unbelievably long and tiresome homework assignments! No more being haunted day and night about homework, and feeling homework guilt during my rest times! No more nightmares about pleasing the professors and worrying about getting those well-deserved 'A's'.
For the first time ever, I took a huge risk and quit that horrid grad school without a back-up plan. I trusted God and as always, He took care of me.
I have signed the contracts, and for this semester, I am teaching:
History 103 (Ancient Roots of Western Civilization) at Carroll University
Three classes at University of Phoenix:
Two courses of Humanities 186 (Media Influences on American Culture)
One course of Humanities 105 (World Mythology)

This is huge for me. I am teaching college! My dream, my goal for the last 8-10ish years, has finally come true. Granted, I will always be concerned about not getting enough classes each semester, but right now, I am just incredibly thankful to God for letting my dreams come true. I think the Life Lesson here is that if you want something enough, if you work hard at that goal and trust God completely, anything is possible. :)

It should be a pretty good work load for me. The first time teaching a class is always the hardest. Then, after that, you have lesson plans to work off of. I think if I work hard from approx. 9-3pm everyday (Monday-Friday), all of my work should get done. Then I can *gasp* have weekends off and nights off doing hobbies and hanging out with my hubby and friends! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. HURRAY! Glad to hear that you are excited about what is happening! :) Sounds like you are going to have a good rest of the year! :)
