Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Relaxing Rocks

I am not sure why I haven't written before this. It's not like I am doing anything yet! :) Since my last post, I have relaxed in Florida, saw family in Michigan (albeit briefly), and now for the last week I have been doing NOTHING. I thought I would be sick of being lazy after a while, but that is not true. If anything, all of this time off makes me desire to be a stay-at-home wife. This sounds awesome. Without kids ruining my life, I can sleep in, clean, and be lazy. What an awesome plan... :) Paul says that I need to have an actual job for a while (since I have yet to have one) but that eventually I could probably make this happen. We shall see!

Anywho, Florida was incredible. Our days involved: sleeping til 11am, fishing til 6pm, hot tub till midnight. AKA: perfection. While fishing, we saw alot of amazing nature. There were tons of beautiful and foreign-looking birds. Twice, a manatee would slowly roll out of the water right next to our boat (magical!). Every day, one of two different types of dolphins would be right next to our boat as well. I LOVE the bottlenose dolphins. They put on quite the show. You know they are around the boat b/c all of a sudden fish are jumping out of the water like crazy (trying to get away from the dolphins). Then, once the dolphins have a fish, they throw the fish out of the water in an entertaining way. We learned from our fishing guide that this is because dolphins can't eat live fish and also can only eat them head-first. So the dolphins 'play' with their fish in order to kill it. It's a pretty sweet thing to watch. Once, three bottlenose dolphins did this fish show right next to our boat, and then rolled out of the water all around us for like 20 minutes. Again, truely a magical experience. The bad thing is that when dolphins are next to your boat, you will no longer catch any fish. So the guys eventually got annoyed with the dolphins, but I never minded them. :) We also saw a few alligators in the wild. One big one stays in the pond at the trailer park we were staying at. That was pretty cool. Also, once when we were fishing, we saw an alligator emerge from the mangroves and slowly drop into the water like ten feet from our boat. It was so cool. We caught tons of types of fish: grouper, grunts, snapper, sting rays, catfish, sugar trout, sea trout, etc. That was cool too. Finally, we saw a bobcat in the trailer park! Here is the scenario:
We got off the boat after a long day of fishing. The guys were getting the boat hitched up, etc. I was on land and looked up and saw a bobcat in the neighbor's yard.
Me: "Guys! Look over there! It's a bobcat!"
Guys: (not looking up from their work) "You are crazy, Cris. It's probably just a cat, silly."
Me: "It's right there! I KNOW it's a bobcat!"
Guys: "Sure it is, Cris (making crazy motions)"
Suddenly the neighbor guy comes up to his dock on his own boat: "Did you guys just see that bobcat in my yard?!? How cool!"
Guys: (stopping everything they are doing, jumping out of the boat, running over to the guy's yard) "Whoa, where! Wow! There it is! A bobcat!!!"
Me: (not sure whether to roll eyes and groan or get annoyed) I TOLD you!!! I rock!"

So then we followed the bobcat around the park and took tons of pictures of it. Check out my facebook photo album for a few of the better pics. That was pretty cool. And the guys learned a valuable lesson about trusting my wilderness knowledge (hopefully). :)

Anywho, so all in all, I suggest that everyone move down to Florida with us, where we will live the exotic and magical life all together. After getting back to milwaukee, I seriously have done very little. I made truffles, cleaned once or twice, and did a few craft-hobbies around the house including asian pictures for our dining room and a curtain for our kitchen. I promise to post pics soon. Both rooms are almost completely finished. Other than that, I waste my days playing sims and reading my new book on biblical equality (mentioned in a previous post). This book is amazing. Since entering graduate school and coming to Milwaukee, I have been struggling with my christianity. This is for two reasons: (1): No ministers here seem to give me theological challenges in their sermons (2): The smarter I get, the harder it is for me to appreciate the Bible. This book has reestablished my connection with God, but most importantly with Christianity as a religion. I have always been faithful to God, but I have lately been annoyed at the religion. But again, this book gives me intelligent answers to my questions about women in the Christian faith. I have discovered that I was always right about my opinions, but now I can back them up with fascinating biblical history and verses! If you are reading this blog and want to become a stronger Christian Woman, please please please read this book! :)

That is all. I just babbled forever. I apologize that my blog is not as intelligently-humored as Julie's or as biblical and passionate as Staci's... :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs, keep doing them :)
    I would also love to read the book when you are through, maybe this summer?
    love you,
