Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Iceland Day 6: Grab Grettir by the Grabrok and Glanni

 We've found that by day 6 of every vacation we get a bit road-weary and need a little break. Iceland has quite a few natural hot springs but many of them are very expensive and full of people (looking at you Blue Lagoon). We found a lovely place called Grettir's Pool which is only $15 each and there was nobody else there in the morning. 

The pool is at the end of a gravel road in a sheep farm way at the end of a peninsula, so it's private and has incredible views. The other direction from this pic is the sea but there is a rock wall there to block the wind (surprise, it was windy!). There's two pools, one 98 degrees and the other 104, so we jumped back and forth between them. We had the place to ourselves for the first hour and then just 3 more people joined.

Once we were relaxed and cooked through we headed off to the south. We got to Grabrok volcano and again had the place to ourselves. 

This volcano hasn't erupted in over 3000 years so the surrounding land has had time to recover with mosses and small plants clinging to the lava rock. It was crazy windy and a bit rainy so we bundled up and walked around the rim of the crater. There were great views of the neighboring volcano as well. As the locals say "When it get's wjindy, grabrok!"
There was also a 100 year old sheep corral built out the lava rocks. Apparently it was poorly built and the slope made it so that the sheep trampled each other, so they let it go to ruin and built a new corral nearby. 
Just down the street was Glanni waterfall. 
There's a waterfall around every corner in Iceland, we saw a few dozen just driving through the north. We ended the day at Mosskogar campground with an asian noodle TV dinner type thing that was surprisingly good. The campground is the last stop for many tourists so there's a table with all sorts of leftovers like gas tanks, coffee, soy sauce, spices, and everything you need to make dinner. Oh, and good views and hot showers.
The weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse, so we're evaluating our plans for tomorrow. 

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