Monday, July 4, 2022

Scotland Day 23: Final Fun!

We slept in late for a last final time before our lives get crazy with: airports and long drives and such. Then we headed out to East Aquhorthies Stone Circle. It was hard to find at first but we found it eventually. I wasn't going to let another stone circle slip through my fingers on this trip!

This Stone Circle was wonderful and unique (like all of them have been so far). It was much more perfectly-circular than some of the others we have seen. It is one of the best-preserved examples of a recumbent stone circle, which is a stone circle with an altar-type area alone the circle.

The guys allowed me to have a few moments of reverence and silent respect with my stone circle, which I appreciated. I love the feelings that stone circles continue to give me. 

Then we ate lunch and I casually and excitedly lectured them about Druidism, Romans, early Catholic missionaries, and lots more info that they totally found very interesting....

Then we headed for Slains Castle Ruins. They were huge! I've never been to such huge castle ruins before. It was a maze of ruins to walk through. In fact, at one point, we split up and lost track of Kevlar for a while (we found him eventually after some back-and-forth 'marco polo' type shouting).

At the beginning of our Scotland adventures, I read a really good historical fiction book on Slains Castle (The Winter Sea, by Susanna Kearsley), so it was really neat to visualize the book while walking through the ruins.

After dinner, we decided to end our trip with Kevlar the same way we started it: walking the Newburgh Seal Beach (we had to end near his airport, so it was in the same location as it was at the start). 

This time, there were even more seals than before and we got to see them all sprawled on the beach, and then at some point they all jumped into the water in their flopping awkward way to start hunting for food. There were so many of them! It was a pretty magical way to end a wonderful and magical trip.

*And then, in the next 24-ish hours, we all had to deal with various airport chaos, which kinda made the trip end with frustration and stress. Boo!

One final view of the majestic Scottish seaside...what a beautiful place!

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