Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nothing to Say

My apologies for not writing much lately. There are many reasons for my absence:

1) I was miserably sick for the entire month of January. No kidding. I am currently wondering if I developed mono or something similar to that because during the last two weeks of that month, I was so exhausted (as in about to pass out) that I was going to bed between 8 and 9pm every night and then sleeping for 12 straight hours every night. It was a terrible start to a new year, and I am hoping it's all out of my system and the rest of the year will go by smoothly and EXACTLY how I would's only fair, right? :)

2) There really isn't much to write about. Life here in Milwaukee is winding down for Paul and I, so there are no new adventures. We used to do home improvement projects, but everything major has been done and we don't see the point of spending any more time or money on the house now that we have it for sale. We used to at least TRY to meet new people to be potential friends, but since we are leaving in just a few months, we don't see why we should put ourselves through that emotional roller-coaster if we don't have to. We used to do things to get through the "Winter Blahs", but we are trying to save money for moving and are not leaving the house much. All of these things mean that life is pretty boring. The most exciting thing I can write about is that I bought supplies for making homemade candles. I wanted a project to make the time go faster. So that's something, I suppose.

Other than that, all I can say is that Paul and I spend most of our time getting ready for the Big Move and dreaming Big Dreams for our future. We started looking at property, which is a terrible idea, because we keep finding land that we like, and what are the chances it will still be available when we can buy it? Oh well, it's fun to look at possible locations for our house. :) I've been applying to every job I think I could maybe get in Upstate SC and I just keep praying and praying and praying that God will let it all work out. People keep making it clear to us that they think we are crazy for moving down without jobs set up and that we are moving down there simply because we like the area. I think more people should do what we are doing. We found a place in this world that makes us both happy: fishing, hiking, mountains, nature, the ocean isn't far away, good climate, etc. Why shouldn't we move there? Life is more than just jobs. Jobs will come. We have been smart with money and should last a while without jobs in the worst-case scenarios. So we shall see how this all works out.

We are going down to SC for Paul's spring break in April. We are planning on bringing down our first load of stuff and renting a storage place. It's so exciting! We have all sorts of plans for that week including both fun and work (meeting realtors, discussing housing plans with committees, etc.) Hopefully we get a lot accomplished! And we could use the prayers that I am able to get a full time job down there. It would make things better if that happens.

Anyway, that's life over here right now. We are actually getting out of the house this weekend, so hopefully, I have something interesting to write about!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, people thought Michael and I were crazy too, for moving without job security. And even now when we tell people we moved here to play in rivers and mountains they give us a strange smile. Like that's somehow silly. Or cute. But we found jobs and you guys will too. And you'll be living exactly where you want to be!

