Friday, October 14, 2011

Seasonal Fall Fun

We have been having such amazing golden fall weather, so Paul and I have made sure to take full advantage of such a rare event. Normally, fall seasons seem to be only 1 week of prettiness followed by weeks and weeks of rain and frost. This year, we have had about 3 whole weeks of pretty weather! I finally got to see nature full of perfect fall-colored leaves. Ah, God's beauty is so amazing. :) Anyway, here are a few things we have done so far this fall season:

1) Me, Paul, and Rick went to an apple orchard.

*First thing we did was go in the corn maze. Before stepping inside the maze, we noticed that the entry and the exit were about 5 feet apart. We immediately assumed that this corn maze would be as easy as others we have done in the past. And sure enough, the "true path" was wide while the fake paths were unkept and tiny. We started joking about the "difficulty" of the maze, when suddenly, we realized that we had been walking the maze for a long time. The corn was so high that we could not tell directions, which is odd for me since I have a compass in my head. I hesitantly told the guys that I was pretty sure we were heading in the wrong direction of the exit. But we kept on trudging. A long while later, we found an alternate exit which was on the opposite side of the apple orchard. Our cart for the apples was by the entrance, so we had to walk all the way through the apple orchard to get our cart and then turn around and go through the orchard again. I still don't know how we were supposed to get out that shorter-distance exit...

*Anyway, we got plenty of apples. However, I was disappointed that the orchard did not have my new favorite apple, the honeycrisp apple. But they did have my second favorite, the Empire apple. So I made do with empires. I went home and made apple crisp, which was fantastic. Then, a few days later, I made apple cheesecake, and it was so, so good. We still have another large bag of apples and I can't decide whether to make apple crisp again or the cheesecake. Decisions, decisions...

2) My parents came for a visit and we went for a long hike in the kettle moraine forest.

*This pretty forest is located on the hilly indents left over from the glaciers of past times. I don't know how it all works, but I DO know that the forests are really pretty. You can climb towers located throughout the park to see far, far off into the distance. It was so pretty. The sun was shining and you could see different colored trees everywhere! It was a lot of hard work on my poor knees to go up and down such steep hills, but it was still my favorite way to do exercise. I could walk in the woods every day for the rest of my life and be incredibly happy. :)

3) We also went canoeing while my parents were in town.

*It was a bit disappointing because we WANTED to go upriver to the pretty nature areas. However, we couldn't fit the kayak (for my parents) and the canoe (for us) on the top of our vehicle. So we had to stick in Milwaukee. That was kind of a bummer because the part of the river we were on was sandwiched between two rapids that we couldn't navigate around. So we went upriver, turned around, went down river, turned around, went back up river, etc. Oh well, at least we were spending time outdoors in the golden sunshine! It was fun to see the salmon running as well.

4) Paul and I found a paved path through nature somewhat near our house!

*We have always been frustrated in the past because I want to go on plenty of walks, but if we want to walk somewhere pretty, we need to drive at least 30 minutes to get to pretty areas. UGH. But I accidentally found a new path closer to our house and now we go on walks on the path at least 2 times a week. I wish people told you about those kind of things. But as far as I can tell, there is no way to know about this particular path unless you get curious about it, look it up on the google satellite map, and then decide to risk it and just go. How lame. But anyway, it's nice enough. It has woods all around it, so I get to enjoy some nature and feel safe while walking with my dog and my hubby. We have spent way more time outdoors this fall than in the past!

I hope the good weather continues to last. If it does, perhaps I can write another post on the awesomeness of fall... :)


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