Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is on my heart...

You ever meet someone that is the anti-you? That happened to me recently, and now my heart feels down and I feel very depressed. We were at the same place, and there was no avoiding conversation. Ugh. I can't stop feeling negative things right now like: anger, annoyance, guilt, sadness, shame, depression, grief...

I found some Bible verses that I wish the anti-me would read, but since I don't think that the anti-me knows that he/she has a problem, I will read them and just pray. And hey, while I am at it, I will share them with anyone who reads my journal-type blog:

PSA 34:13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. 

101:5 Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him will I put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure. 

PRO 11:9 With his mouth the godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escape. 

13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret. 

16:28 A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. 

18:8 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts. 

20:19 A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much. 

MAT 12:36 But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 

EPH 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 

1PE 2:1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 

3:10 For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I love going Home to Michigan!

A week ago, I had to opportunity to go Home again. There was a historical medieval conference in Kalamazoo, Michigan and I was done teaching for the semester. I went to the conference last year, and I had a blast. It is so great to learn more about medieval things AND know that I am not the only medieval nerd in the world! It is an international meeting, so there is an opportunity to hear plenty of languages and learn about different cultures and different ways to approach medieval research. Paul gave me permission to spend money on the conference and I came over on the train b/c I will never try to drive through Evil Chicago. There WAS a catch, however: Paul had to stay back in Milwaukee to work AND I was missing our five-year wedding anniversary.

This was the first time we were separated for more than one night since I left for Greece for a month in 2006 (before we were married). I was gone for five nights. Thus, it was wonderful going back to Michigan but it wasn't the same as normal because I was missing my other half...

Anyway, here was my week:
*Tuesday: Spent the whole day on a train. There was a terrible delay in Chicago, resulting in an hour delay where we all stood up for the whole time in a crowded line. Then, two more groups using the same platform had to squeeze in the same small room as us, so it was chaotic and claustrophobic. Ugh. I hate Chicago and I hate trains.
*Wednesday: I spent the ENTIRE day with my family. :) It was wonderful. My mom, Jim, Becky, and I watched my darling nephew Q-bear and niece Izzy for the whole day, and then Jon, Amanda, (and dad, of course) were there for dinner. It was such a lovely day...the only one missing was my Paul.
*Thursday: Various conference lectures from 10-5pm, followed by dinner with my mother-in-law, and sisters-in-laws Christy and Katie.
*Friday: Various conference lectures from 10-5pm, followed by dinner and constant talking with my best friend Julie. (from 6-10pm, we never stopped talking!) This was followed by a phone call to Paul because it was our anniversary.
*Saturday: Various conference lectures from 10-5pm, followed by dinner with the in-laws and a lame 80s movie. :)
*Sunday: Spent the whole day on a train. There was, fortunately, only a small delay, not as long as the first trip.

Overall, it was a great blend of scholarly learning and family time. It would have been perfect if Paul was with me. I don't think I can stay away from Paul for five nights again. After two nights, I started talking to myself. After three nights, I started randomly crying for no reason. That was weird. We shall see if I go next year. Like I said, I don't think that I can be apart from Paul for that long.

For now, I am doing household chores and applying to jobs both here and in South Carolina. Paul is finishing up his school year (he is done on June 15). Then, we go off to Michigan TOGETHER for a few days and then off on a fun fishing trip in South Carolina for a few weeks, and I am sure that I will have fun adventure stories to tell at that time. :)

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from my time at Home:

This picture shows my mom's adoration for her grandchildren as well as how my Q-bear can be quite the ham. Notice the "hat" that he gave his sister? Incredibly adorable.

 Now it's MY turn to get a picture taken with my nephew and niece. I love them so much. :)

 My darling niece Izzy is only three-ish months old, but she is so attentive and smart! Of course, she is also beautiful. :) Izzy loves trying to crawl (which she is WAY too young to be attempting), loves looking at her mobile on top of her swing, loves snuggling, loves trying to talk to you, and is overall a wonderful little baby. My mom had a lot of fun trying different outfits out on Izzy, which makes me curious to how this will turn out in the future. My mom never had the opportunity to dress me up, since I decided to be an independent spit-fire tomboy from a very early age. :)

My sweet nephew Q-bear, or, possibly with a new nickname of Curly-Q, due to his adorable mop of curls, is two and a half years old and is WAY too smart! He calmly gave directions to my mom on the drive to her house, and knows his left from his right. He enjoys trying (a bit unsuccessfully) to tell jokes as well as learning about things. "What's that, Aunt Cris" "Why is that brown, Aunt Cris" And many more questions about everything. He noticed that Uncle Paul was missing and asked if we could wait until he arrived before eating dinner. This picture is of Q-bear putting my glasses on and posing for the camera. What fun! We are hoping to take him fishing this summer.

After dinner, my dad had loads of fun with Quentin by chasing him around the yard with Q-bear's lawnmower toy. Quentin's giggles and screams of delight could be heard, I am sure, by the entire neighborhood. I sat on the porch with my mom and just watched and smiled. :)
My brother Jim has a fantastic fiance'. I approve. :)  They are leaving for Africa soon, so I won't see them this summer. :( But I wish them well, as they visit Becky's parents in Africa, work for her parents, and also have plenty of adventures such as safari-type trips. I can't believe my baby brother is so grown-up! And aren't they just adorable?!? :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter Vacation

For the first time since we were both in our undergraduate days at GVSU, my husband and I shared some spring break vacation time! This doesn't usually happen because I teach college and he teaches high school. However, this year, I am teaching at a semi-religious college (it gets funding from Lutheran regional churches), so in addition to my spring break, I got an Easter Break. :) For Easter, I got Thursday and Friday off, and since I don't work Wednesdays as well, that meant that Paul only had TWO days to himself for vacation instead of the entire week. We decided that since this rarity might not occur again for a long time, we were going to make the best of it. Immediately, we thought about going Home to Michigan for our entire time. Then we started thinking about how hectic that always is and how we would not be very relaxed. Then we thought about going to the Wisconsin Dells or something special for some of that time. However, then we had to think of someone to watch our dog, and Rick was leaving for Michigan.

Eventually, we came up with a great compromise and genius plan: We spent some romantic and relaxing time from Tuesday night to Thursday evening in southern Michigan, and then ended our Easter break with time with family and friends. We found the perfect place to stay for our adventure: a cozy cabin in Niles, Michigan. Dogs were allowed and it had a lot of acres of woods, AND it was close to a whole bunch of wineries. It was the most amazing mini-vacation with my husband EVER! The cabin is a perfect balance of "roughing it" and "comfort". We loved how the only way to heat the cabin was with a wood stove. I love the smell of wood stoves, and combine that with: snuggling on a couch, in front of the stove, with our dog at our feet and a glass of wine in our hands after going for a long walk in the woods...sigh...I want to go back. I could live like that and be happy forever. We went to plenty of wineries and learned a lot about what types of wines we prefer, which is really helpful.

We made it up to Paul's parents' home in time for dinner on Thursday. We then soaked in their hot tub and just relaxed some more. Friday was a bit more hectic: Paul went fishing in the morning with his buddy Greg, we hung out with Julie during the day, and then visited our friends Rusty and Staci and their two kids at night. There was a storm at night, so we spent some time watching a movie with his parents and watching our dog (who is afraid of storms) go crazy.  On Saturday, we had Easter family time with Paul's family. We went as a family to the butterfly exhibit at Frederick Meijer Gardens and then had kabobs for dinner. After his siblings left, we followed that up with some more hot tub relaxing. :)  On Sunday, Paul and I went to Friendship CRC like we used to, and it was so great enjoying a church service again (something that doesn't happen here in Milwaukee). Then we headed on to see my family....LOTS of my family. :)  It was wonderful seeing my cousins and parents and siblings and EVERYONE again! I didn't want to leave. We ate good food and played fun games and just caught up on lost time. Unfortunately, we still had to leave for Milwaukee and so we headed off for the long and annoying journey back to our Milwaukee house. 

This was one of the best Easters that I can remember. I love that we got to relax and have some time to ourselves as well as see family and friends. It was such a great balance. Also, by staying in Niles, Michigan for a few nights, it made the journey Home way shorter. It took only 3 hours to get there from Milwaukee, and then only 1.5 hours to get from Niles to Byron Center. In the future, I hope we have similar vacation times and that we can do that again. I hope everyone else had great Easter breaks! :)