Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Random Ramblings

Well, it's been a while,so I thought I would update on my life. Not that anything really interesting has been happening, but hey, the little things are important to remember as well:

1) This past weekend, Paul and I finished painting the outside of the house. And by Paul and I, I really mean, Paul hung out of our upstairs window in a painful position while I made sure he didn't (a) fall out of the window and (b) the chair he was standing on didn't fall out from under him.

*I must say at this point that I am incredibly grateful that Paul is super tall and has long, long, long arms. I am pretty sure any other guy would have had to give up or call the professionals, seeing that Paul was stretched as far as humanly possible and barely reached the highest tips.

*Now we only have two more minor (and indoors) painting jobs to complete and our house will be ready to sell. Now if only I would stop procrastinating and figure out what we need to actually do to try and sell our house...

2) I finished the third strand of my afghan!!!

*This means 3 down, 2 more to go (UGH). It technically took me over 5 years to do this third strip because I started it and then ignored it for a long, long time. The fact that I have to stop after every 8 rows to untangle the yarn makes it very difficult for me to continue because it makes me so grumpy. That's approx. 15 minutes of actual knitting followed by 10 minutes of untangling. UGH. Oh well, I should celebrate the fact that I am OVER HALF DONE NOW! Woo hoo...

*I am celebrating this fact by taking some time off from my afghan project to make some cool hats for me and my friends. First up, Paul wants a slug hat so that he looks like people in the show Futurama:

Then, after the slug hat, I am making a winter hat and matching scarf for myself, then a batman hat, a hat with an attachable beard, and maybe an R2D2 hat as well. Should be fun, and I will try to post pictures of the results! Hopefully these hat projects will inspire me to finish this cursed afghan...

3) I started up a new job as a substitute educational assistant!

*I have been really bored on my Wednesdays (which I have off) because I usually have nothing to do. I've been teaching the same stuff over and over so I have little planning to do anymore. So I applied as a substitute educational assistant for some districts around Milwaukee and I got the job! I started on October 7 and since then, I have had work every week. It has been lots of fun and great experience. I have no idea what life will be like when we move to South Carolina, so this way, I can have experience as an educational assistant, so maybe I can apply for those jobs when we move. Mainly, I get to play with kindergarteners and first-graders and teach them how to read. They are so cute! However, last week I worked at a high school, and UGH what little brats. 

*The worst part is waking up early. My goodness, why does America wake up so stinking early? I think schools could function better if the hours were 9am-4pm. What a dream. Instead, some schools I sub at start at 7am!!! Other schools started at 10am. I certainly have a preference for the later-opening schools. :)

So that's about it. Not much going on, but enough to write a post. :) Have a great day!