Saturday, June 19, 2010

An interview process

I thought I would write out the interview process that I just went through in order to remind myself about it later as well as let others know what a crazy hassle it is to become a college professor.
1) In April, I did the typical online application with cover letter, resume, etc. for University of Phoenix.
2) Two weeks-ish later, Univ. of Phoenix emailed me and told me that my qualifications looked far. They had me fill out a more specific online application, with questionaires, sample syllabi, essays on my philosophy of education, etc.
3) In May, UoP emailed me again and said that the new information I gave was good and promising and set up a phone interview with me. I prepared through research on phone interview processes as well as knowing everything that I could about the school. The phone interview went GREAT and I made sure to have good questions to ask about the school.
4) On June 17, UoP had set up a time for me to come for a person to person interview. First, I was interviewed by two faculty assessors about my philosophy of education and whatnot. Then, I made a 12-15 mintue presentation to "teach" the 5-8 people in the room to show off my teaching skills. (I worked hard on this presentation for at least a week, and it was 16 minutes long, but they cut everyone off after 6 minutes! All that hard work...sigh..) Then, we had a leaderless group activity so that I could show that I "play well with others". IT was an exhausting 3 hour process.
5) HOWEVER, the entire long, complicated process from beginning to end was totally worth it because: I GOT THE JOB!!! Well, technically. I have to go to class/workshops this summer to get certified. However, I know this will be fine. Basically, I am a faculty of University of Phoenix! I don't know how many classes I will get, or if I can ever count on having some classes, but it's a start in the right direction!

I am so happy that my friends and family have been praying for me. I have been concerned about my future, but I have always counted on God to protect me. Thank you to everyone who has constantly been supporting me. I love you all so much. :)